Tuesday, 26 March 2013

Westminster Palace - drawing

This drawing is the background of my blog at the moment. The breathtaking view of the British Parliament from the opposite bank of river Thames is hardly to encounter elsewhere. With its astonishing neo-gothic style, the facade of this massive building gives its slender aspect, not to mention the wonderful surroundings of the Westminster Palace - as the building is known - which substiantially contribute to making the palace a second-to-none location for both amateur photographers and professionists - and, obviously, an idyllic place to soak up the British atmosphere on a (rare) sunny day.

 I will provide you with further details about this great symbol of the British Empire, a majestic, awe-inspiring work of art in the field of architecture, in the next article.

For now, some facts about the drawing. Its dimensions are 700x500 (mm) and it took me 8 days before finishing it. The work was complex, the style of the building itself focusing on details which need a lot of attention while drawing. 

This work was inspired of a picture I took on holiday in the same summer:

With hindsight, I think it was an extremely useful exercise of perspective and I would strongly recommend such work for those who master pencil drawing techniques and are ready to take up an arduous challenge.

Enjoy the photos!:)


  1. Ai inceput de la dreapta la stanga? Nu ti-a fost greu sa nu intinzi creionul dupaia cu mana...? :|
    Oricum, desenul a iesit super! :)

  2. Multumesc, ma bucur ca iti place. :) Am inceput de la dreapta la stanga deoarece Big Ben este centrul de interes al tabloului. Pentru a pastra hasura initiala intacta poti aseza o coala de hartie deasupra suprafetei desenate.
